Posts Tagged ‘homophobia’
andre leon talley, gay rights in russia, homophobia, russian gays, Vladimir putin
In LGBT on July 12, 2013 at 8:20 am

Russia says that it will arrest any openly gay tourists if they display affection or gay propaganda in public. That means if your gay and have a rainbow flag on your backpack you will be arrested, held for days and then deported.
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civil rights, gay bashing, gay rights, homophobia, mark carson, NYC
In LGBT on May 22, 2013 at 1:03 pm

Gay Rights is Civil Rights, get over it! That’s what I want to scream at people who say that the two thoughts are mutually exclusive. When a person is killed or marginalized for being who they are, gay, lesbian, transgender, poor, a woman; their civil rights are violated. This is occurs all over the world, not just in the USA. In New York, in 2013, the right to be oneself is under attack by homophobes. Again.
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brendon ayanbadejo, equality, gay nfl, gay rifhts, gays in sports, homophobia
In LGBT on April 22, 2013 at 4:39 pm
Ayanbadejo fights for equality rights (via Fox Sports)
Updated Apr 22, 2013 2:31 PM ET Brendon Ayanbadejo is a 10-year NFL veteran who last played with the Super Bowl XLVII champion Baltimore Ravens and is a staunch supporter of same-sex marriage rights. In August 2012, Maryland state delegate Emmett Burns Jr. wrote an open letter to Ravens owner Steve…
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cameroon, gays in africa, homophobia
In LGBT, News on January 8, 2013 at 9:44 pm

Gays in Africa are going through hell as you read this, but there is some good news coming out of Cameroon: two men were acquitted by an appeals court Monday after they were arrested and tried for looking gay while ordering Baileys Irish Cream in a bar.The men were originally sentenced to five years in prison.
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gay Oreo cookie, gay pride, Gays, homophobia, Oreo, rainbows
Bigots Not Too Sweet On Gay Oreo Cookie (DETAILS)
In LGBT on June 27, 2012 at 7:51 am

A rainbow colored Oreo, created by Kraft in solidarity of gays and Gay Pride this month, is leaving a terrible taste in the mouths of homophobes.
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black gays, equality, gay rights, homophobia, Janet Jackson, Latino gays, lesbians, Robert Jason, transgender, transphobia, truth documentary
Janet Jackson Transgender Documentary,’Truth,’ Coming Soon (DETAILS)
In Latino, LGBT, News on June 8, 2012 at 8:43 am

Janet Jackson is giving back to the LGBT community in a big way! The superstar actress and singer, it was announced yesterday, is set to produce Truth, a documentary film about the adversities faced by transgendered people around the world.
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Astonishing X-Men, gay comics, gay heroes, gay marriage, Green Lantern gay, homophobia, Marvel Comics, NorthStar
Green Lantern Gay On Alt. Earth (PHOTO)
In LGBT on June 1, 2012 at 8:05 am

Green Lantern gay? Alan Scott, the first Green Lantern introduced back in 1940, is an openly gay man, joining a short list of comic book characters who are coming out the ink closet.
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Christians, gay marriage, homophobia, North Carolina, Pastor Charles L. Worley
Pastor Charles L. Worley: Gays & Lesbians Should Be Killed (VIDEO)
In LGBT on May 21, 2012 at 5:29 pm

Pastor Charles L. Worley, a Christian from North Carolina, has called for gays and lesbians to be killed. The shocking words of hate was caught on tape and posted on YouTube.
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Beenie Man, Gays, homophobia, Jay-Z, lesbians, LGBT, Pharrell, President Obama, Sunsplash
Beenie Man Apologizes To LGBT Community, Says He’s Changed (VIDEO)
In LGBT, Lifestyle on May 18, 2012 at 4:23 pm

Reggae artist Beenie Man joins the list of artists who are speaking about the LGBT community positively after President Obama came out in support of gay marriage. The, allegedly, formerly homophobic dancehall artist released a video apologizing to gays for over ten years of violently homophobic lyrics in his music. “I respect all human being, including gays and lesbian,” Beenie Man said in the video which was sent to Rototom Sunsplash, organizers of the largest reggae festival in the world. Read the rest of this entry »
gay marriage, gaydar, Gays, homophobia, science
Gaydar Is Real: Science (DETAILS)
In LGBT on May 16, 2012 at 3:12 pm

The age old question of is s/he or isn’t s/he? has been answered by science! A study published today by the Public Library of Science claims that people are capable of correctly judging a person’s sexually “with above-chance accuracy” just by looking at their face. The study analyzed the predictions of 130 University of Washington students who were 50% accurate in their predictions-using their eyes AKA gaydar. Read the rest of this entry »